Progress comes from bringing diverse points of view together.
Founded in 2018 in Graz, Austria we originally combined the know-how of the founders: rail vehicle industry and alternative power and drive systems as well as the respective energy landscapes.
We have built a core team of young engineers with a strong focus on interdisciplinarity ranging from vehicle engineering including all aspects of mechanical design and engineering including ESS and hydrogen safety to high power electrical engineering, simulation, mechatronic design and controls.
Our team is embedded in an equally interdisciplinary agile network of scientific and industrial partners enabling us to use this Open Innovation System for rapid delivery of advanced technology solutions for our sector.
Alexander holds an M.Sc. Degree in Industrial Engineering and Economics from the Technical University of Graz. He is also a certified Project Manager and ISO/IEC 17024 accredited expert in hydrogen. Alexander has been working in the rail vehicle industry since 1999 first for Siemens in Graz and subsequently for the internationally active Swiss rail engineering group Molinari. Since 2015 he is head of RCC – Railway Competence and Certification GmbH in Graz, a conformity Assessment Body for Rolling Stock in Graz Austria (Notified Body TSI, Designated Body Austria, Assessment Body CSM and ECM Certification Body). Beyond this RCC is also engaged in research and innovation projects related to the rail industry. Alexander holds a patent in rolling stock suspension components.
Herbert is a graduated mechanical engineer with extensive post graduate studies in business management, export and international marketing, sociology and international relations where he holds an MA Degree from the Danube University. His professional career spans almost 40 years of working in the mobility and energy industries, starting in the automotive domain and involving battery industry work in the early electric vehicle phase. In the new millennium he has focused on Hydrogen and fuel cell technologies in a variety of technology approaches (AFC, SOFC, MCFC and PEM-FC) and energy carriers from ammonia via diesel to hydrogen. He was instrumental in developing PPP programs around hydrogen and fuel cell technology on the national and European level, e.g. the 1st Generation of Fuel Cell JTI, the FCH-JU where he was a governing board member between 2008 and 2010. Herbert has been involved in over 40 national and international cooperative research projects, roughly 2/3 in the hydrogen and fuel cell field and has acted as consultant and advisor to national and international government and policy making bodies. His publications comprise more than 60 conference presentations, scientific articles as well publications in industry media. Herbert is the inventor or co-inventor on multiple patents in the fuel cell and energy systems domain.
As a small engineering consultancy we can only stay competitive and offer the latest state-of-the-art if we closely co-operate not only with our clients but also leverage the know-how of others. Thus, true to the diversity motto stated above we have built and fine-tuned an agile Open Innovation Network of research and industrial partners that help us develop and rapidly implement optimized solutions – for your success.
An important pillar of both our company culture and our solutions is our commitment to work in an advanced research landscape to understand possible solutions and add new approaches to our engineering portfolio. The co-operative aspect also helps to drive a multidisciplinary and multi-cultural understanding in our organization. Last, but not least we gratefully acknowledge that these research projects and therefore we benefit from the possibility to bolster our budgets with research grants form national and international sources.